High School Information

To graduate a student from Boston School, the volunteer teacher needs to provide Boston School with documentation to prove that the course work required by the State of California has been completed.
This documentation should include complete attendance records, report cards for the high school years, a completed transcript of courses and a signed statement to the effect that their student has completed the course work as required. Call or write to the office sometime during the senior year and request a grad pack with forms and information about the process.
All courses required by the State of California must be addressed in the graduate’s documentation. We strongly suggest that during the student’s junior year you verify with the office that the student is on track for graduation.

Diplomas are issued three times a year. Completed documentation (the grad pack) and the graduation processing fee ($50) must reach Boson School by the following dates:

  • Graduation on January 15: deadline is December 15th
  • Graduation on June 30th: deadline is May 30th
  • Graduation on August 30: deadline is July 15th

Graduation documentation submitted late will either be charged a late fee ($50) or held for the next graduation date at the Director’s discretion.

Boston School will only graduate currently enrolled, qualified students with proper documentation.